
Artigos e Publicações Científicas

A simple mandibular bone cyst with remarkable tooth resorption

Autores Alexandre Viana Frascino, Daniel Martins, José Benedito Dias Lemos, Andrea Mantesso

Data de publicação

Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry




This article reports an unusual case of a simple mandibular bone cyst with remarkable tooth resorption and pain. An 18-year-old woman was referred to our oral and maxillofacial surgery and trauma clinic, complaining of pain in the left third mandibular molar region. A radiographic exam revealed a well-de-marcated radiolucent lesion in the left mandible with marked fi rst molar distal root resorption. Based on the differential diagnoses, an incisional biopsy was performed through a bone window, under local anesthesia. Surgical exploration revealed a simple bone cavity fi lled with sanguineous fl uid, with no cyst wall or tumoral tissue. Histopathological examination revealed thin, fi brous connective tissue with no epithelial coverage and permeated by extensive hemorrhage. Painful symptoms seemed to be caused by a caries lesion in the adjacent second molar and were resolved by tooth restoration with composite resin. A radiographic postoperative follow-up exam after two months suggests that there was complete bone healing and that tooth resorption had seemingly ceased. The fi nal diagnosis was a simple bone cyst with unusual tooth resorption.

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A simple mandibular bone cyst with remarkable tooth resorption
AV Frascino, D Martins, JBD Lemos, A Mantesso - Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry, 2014

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