Molar-incisor enamel hypomineralization cross-sectional prevalence evaluation in oral-breathing allergic children
Silvana Frascino, Alexandre Frascino, Karla Mayra Rezende, José Carlos Imparato, Shirley Pignatari
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Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry
Molar-incisor hypomineralization (MIH) is a highly prevalent dental development disturbance caused by disrupted ameloblast maturation. This condition affects up to 44% of children around the world and several systemic conditions have been associated with MIH, including Mouth-Breathing. It is important to show that MIH has multifactorial etiology and is associated with allergic mouth-breathing children.
To evaluate MIH prevalence in MBCS children with positive and negative allergic response to the skin prick test, a cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative comparative assessment was conducted in 23 mouth-breathing children and 25 sex/age-matched siblings. Enamel defects were classified by the modified rate of FDI Development Defects of Enamel. Statistical Student’st tests were applied to verify the relevance of the data.
MIH prevalence showed significant statistical differences in the comparison between molars, independently of individual age (p= 0.01513474). MBCS children under 5 years old had higher statistical prevalence of MIH (p= 0.00594). MBCS children with positive skin reactions to the prick test had higher prevalence of MIH (p= 0,023). MBCS children had statistically significant higher prevalence of demarcated opacity (p= 0.00012).
Finally, MBCS children with positive skin reactions to the prick test had higher prevalence of MIH (p= 0,023), indicating that mouth-breathing allergy-responsive children had higher MIH prevalence. Our results corroborate our previous hypothesis that MBCS children have increased MIH prevalence in comparison to their siblings, with statistical …
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Molar-incisor enamel hypomineralization cross-sectional prevalence evaluation in oral-breathing allergic children
S Frascino, A Frascino, KM Rezende, JC Imparato… - Clinical and Laboratorial Research in Dentistry, 2017
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